Lyme and PANS Newsletter – September 2021

In This Issue

  • COLD LASER THERAPY now available
  • Dr. Monarch named President of non-profit, Lyme Awareness of Cape Cod
  • Food Sensitivity Testing for All
  • Tips to Rev Up Your Family's Veggie Intake
  • Get Over Your Healing Plateau with One-On-One Yoga Therapy
  • Chiropractic Care for Lyme


Pesky Pain Symptoms?

Try Our New Service: Cold Laser Therapy!
Now offering professional grade low level laser therapy. This cold laser treatment is a gentle red-light therapy used to activate cellular metabolism, increase healing, and decrease pain. The painless laser light stimulates cells to produce proteins and lipids which are needed for building and repairing skin and improving both oxygenation and circulation. This service is offered as a stand-alone treatment or in conjunction with acupuncture, acupressure, cupping, and other therapeutic services. Schedule with Dr. Sean Foss for a session tailored to your specific needs 781-923-7000.

Dr. Monarch named President of non-profit, Lyme Awareness of Cape Cod

Dr Elena Monarch

Dr. Elena Monarch has been named President of the non-profit organization, Lyme Awareness of Cape Cod (LACC), formerly located in Mashpee MA. LACC and its founder, Ron Gangemi, serviced Lyme sufferers throughout the Cape and Islands for 12 years. LACC, now located in Cohasset, provides discounted Lyme care to patients of all ages.

Please consider making a TAX-DEDUCTIBLE donation to help patients in financial need afford their Lyme treatments.



Know your food sensitivities

Not sure if you are sensitive to gluten, dairy, or a hundred other foods?
Food sensitivity testing is as easy as a simple finger prick blood test. Call and schedule a consultation with one of our Health Coaches to discuss your concerns and have a complete panel of food tests run. 781-923-7000

Veggie platter in shape of owl

Rev up your family's veggie habits this Fall

Need some quick tips on how to promote your family’s physical, mental, and emotional wellness this season? One of the best ways to promote health and create strong immune support in our bodies is by the foods we choose to consume. We have all heard "eat your greens". But do we really know why? Often understanding the why can help us make better food choices. For example, greens like spinach provide over 160% of the daily goal for vitamin A, and about 40% of the vitamin C, both of which support immune function and promote healthy skin. Brussel Sprouts are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin K which are essential for proper brain and nerve function. So, without diving completely into the biochemistry of foods, trust that we can support our bodies in a myriad of ways simply by reaching for great produce.

As we move into fall, be sure to establish your healthy food routines. For example, this is a great time to replace unhealthy snacks with yummy nourishing ones. On ordinary days, pretend you are having company over and set a nice veggie platter out for yourself and your family to snack on between meals. Include celery, carrots, cucumber, peppers, and broccoli with guacamole. Or make a simple fruit salad with clementine segments and mixed berries in a glass bowl so everyone can see them yumminess shining through.

Need other ways to get more veggies in your diet? Make soups for cold rainy days and load them with vegetables you may not normally eat as much of such as fennel, parsnips, and garlic. As the soup cooks, the nutrients of the food melt into the broth. If your kids won’t eat the cooked vegetables, simply strain them out. Even sipping broth from a veggie-loaded soup is beneficial!

It is important to add the foods to your grocery list. Here you go. Enjoy!

Peppers Cucumber, Celery, Carrots, Fennel (every day switch up one of the veggies and leave out for everyone pre-dinner so the veggies get in first)

Fennell, Parsnips, Carrots, Celery, Garlic, Onions, Spinach (for a little change, consider sautéing these veggies with organic ground turkey, add your favorite seasoned organic bone broth and enjoy!)

Contact Leah Somers for more tips, recipes and healthy eating support 781-923-7000.

Not only do good foods strengthen immune responses, but they can help our mental and emotional wellbeing too. When we suffer with brain fog, a little memory loss, lack of concentration, or poor sleep, the easiest way to start is by getting more selective with our food choices. Even some "healthy" foods are just no good for certain people. We are all bio-individual and receive different benefits from foods. If you are interested in learning how your body reacts to foods, call the center and ask for an appointment for “Food Sensitivity Testing.” This simple finger-prick blood test can show you which foods trigger inflammation in your system and should be avoided.

Yoga Therapy

Has your physical or emotional healing hit a plateau?
Need some strategies for calming your mind MIND and BODY?

Yoga Therapy can help to reset your nervous system through breath, movement, meditation & myofascial release.

Yoga Therapist, Amy DiLillo designs safe, highly customized, one-on-one sessions to calm the nervous system and support healing through. Amy brings over 20 years of yoga, breath-work and meditation experience. Schedule your private or small group session today! Call 781-923-7000 to create a personalized practice plan for yourself or your family.

The Lyme and PANS Treatment Center Welcomes Chiropractic Doctor, Chris Olivieri!

Chiropractic Care and Chronic Lyme

Chiropractors correct a condition called Vertebral Subluxation Syndrome or Subluxation for short. Subluxation is a condition where the spine shifts out of normal alignment resulting in increased stress on the involved joints, muscles, and nerves, as well as the other organs and tissues supplied by those nerves. If you have had subluxation long enough, eventually you experience pain. Subluxations are typically caused by trauma. It can be obvious traumas such as motor vehicle accidents, slips and falls, and/or sporting injuries. More commonly, however, we see subluxation result from micro-traumas. Things you and I do every day that aren’t good for us. Things like texting or checking emails on our cell phones, working on a computer or worse a laptop, driving for long periods of time, and prolonged sitting/inactivity. Basically, when humans interact with technology it tends to be in postures that are detrimental to our health. Common symptoms of subluxation are headaches or migraines, neck pain, mid or low back pain, chronic fatigue, muscle aches, joint pain, digestive issues, and frequent colds/illness. Individuals suffering from Lyme disease are all-too-familiar with these symptoms. But did you know that subluxations can dampen immune responses, rendering the body less capable of fighting off infections? Correcting the subluxation removes the stress and allows to body to heal and function as it was designed.

We have had great success over the past 20 years helping patient’s suffering with Lyme to find relief. Contact us today to see if we can help you.

Chris Olivieri, D.C. Email: